Odyssey Resorts Logo - Cabin

Lifelong Learning

At Odyssey Resort's our employees are passionate about lifelong learning.
We want to share that passion with you, our guests, by extending lodging discounts for students of the region's finest schools for lifelong learners.

North House Folk School

Our mission is to enrich lives and build community by teaching traditional northern crafts in a student-centered learning environment that inspires the hands, the heart and the mind.


Call in only:
Save 10% at East Bay Suites - (800) 414-2807
Save 10% at Caribou Highlands - (800) 642-6036
Floor Loom Weaving
Birch Bark Baskets

Grand Marais Art Colony

The Grand Marais Art Colony provides services to artists, promotes art education and nurtures art in our community through an environment of creative excellence.


Call in only:
Save 10% at East Bay Suites - (800) 414-2807
Save 10% at Caribou Highlands - (800) 642-6036
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