The North Shore attracts a lot of attention from photographers, and for good reasons, as you’ll hear in this video where we sit down for a conversation with John Keefover, Ryan Rumpca, Vincent Ledvina, and Martin Ramirez.
If you like the North Shore and you’re on instagram, you’ve probably had some of their photos in your feed. They’ve been taking pictures here for years, but they all have unique styles.
Martin Ramirez John Keefover Vincent Ledvina
Ledvina focuses his camera at the night sky, taking advantage of the area’s lack of light pollution, and unique geography.
Keefover has photographed nearly every aspect of the North Shore, but his favorite subject is a certain weather phenomenon that only happens a few times a year.
Rumpca and Ramirez take their cameras swimming in the icy waters to capture a perspective not seen from land.
Watch the video to hear how they all met, how to stay inspired, and what keeps them coming back.
Follow these photographers on Instagram and keep an eye on our blog for more great North Shore Photography.